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  • Writer's pictureMangia McCann

Tortellini Soup

It’s February: the dog days of winter. All the bills have come in now for Christmas. Your gas and electric bill is higher than normal due to less daylight and low temperatures. If you have children, registration is due for spring sports and summer camps. We know the price of everything has skyrocketed over the past year or so…and now eggs…EGGS are a Valentine’s meme due to how expensive they have become. I’m going to share some cost-saving recipes and measures as it’s all about stretching your dollar this month!

While I’ve been saying how easy and affordable it is to make your food at home this month, I also understand that you may not have enough time to make everything on a busy school/work night. Even for me, last week was a bit crazy and I was pooped on Friday night, but didn’t want to order pizza (bc I already made a delicious pizza) and anything I ordered out would cost anywhere from $50-80. So, I decided to whip up some bulk tortellini I picked up at Costco…I even used a jar of Classico which I picked up in a 3-pack as well. If you’re going to use your money, use it wisely. For ~$30, I got 2 meals worth of tortellini and 3 large jars of sauce. Now that you have that extra package of Tortellini, as well as some stock, you can make this super easy and clean soup.

Tortellini Soup

This soup doesn’t hold well, because the tortellini will soak up the broth. So, cook only what you need. This makes 4-6 servings.

  • 2 quarts chicken stock

  • 1 bunch of swiss chard

  • 1.5 lbs fresh tortellini

  • Parmigiano-Reggiano

Bring the stock to a boil in a large pot.

Meanwhile, remove the chard leaves from the stems and cut into rough 1” ribbons.

When the stock comes to a boil, add in a small pinch of salt, the chard and tortellini.

Cook for about 4 minutes until the tortellini are just cooked through.

Portion into 4 bowls and season with some freshly cracked black pepper and thinly shaved Parmigiano-Reggiano.

_______________________________ Copyright 2023, Brendan McCann, All Rights Reserved.


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