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  • Writer's pictureMangia McCann

Sausage and Broccolini Panino

2024 Giro d’Italia - Stage 10: Pompeii to Cusano Mutri

The second week of the Giro kicked off today in Pompeii. About 15 minutes into the stage, the riders zoomed through Poggiomarino which is about 6 miles west of where the Italian-side of my family originated. It was my great grandparents who emigrated to the US from Sarno, Italy (my triple-great grandparents on my Irish-side made their journey to the states during the Civil War). On our honeymoon a few years ago, my wife and I took a quick trip to Sarno on our way over to the East coast of Italy, where we ate some amazing panini’s along the way along the autostrade. Back in Sarno, they love their sausage and broccolini, especially with some orecchiette. Since I just made a pasta dish in my last entry, I decided to combine the hometown meal with my honeymoon travel memory and make a panino. These go great with a light and lovely Peroni (or any beer really)!

Sausage and Broccolini Panino 

  • 4 Italian sausage

  • ~½ lb broccolini, stems trimmed so the stalks are 5-6” long

  • Footlong Italian country-style loaf

  • Pesto

  • Pecorino-Romano cheese

  • Butter

  • Panini press

Bring a pot of water to a boil over high heat. 

Meanwhile, brown the sausage in a nonstick skillet, set over medium heat, with a tablespoon of olive oil, about 4-5 minutes on each side. Then add a ¼ cup of water to the skillet and cover. Cook for another 4 minutes, then remove and place on a cutting board and allow to cool for a few minutes. Then slice into half-inch thick coins. 

While the sausage cooks, preheat your panini press. If you don’t have a panini-press you can use a grill pan. 

When the water comes to a boil, salt it, then add in the broccolini and cook (covered) for 3 minutes. Drain and place in a bowl of ice water. After a couple of minutes, remove from the ice bath and place on paper towels to drain, pressing the top layer with additional paper towels. 

Cut the loaf in half, and then slice it open horizontally (almost all the way through) and open the bread like a book. Spread a thin layer of pesto on both sides (if you want to make an aioli, spread it on the top side).

Place the sliced sausage on the bottom half and cover with broccolini and a few shaved pieces of Pecorino-Romano cheese. Fold the top over the sandwich and butter the exterior of the bread. 

Place onto the panini-press (or grill pan) and smash the sandwich. Cook for about 8 minutes until the exterior is browned and crisp. You’ll want to smash the sandwich down even further after about 5 minutes. 

If you don’t have a panini-press: use a grill pan and heat a separate cast-iron skillet over high heat. Place the skillet on top of the sandwich and press down to cook from the top. Just be sure the bottom of the skillet you use is clean!

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