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  • Writer's pictureMangia McCann

Polenta Savoyarde

2023 Tour de France - Stage 16: Passy to Combloux.

Today is the only time trial of this year’s tour. However, living up to the nature of the toughest beginning of any Tour de France, this time trial featured a Category 2 climb. Grueling stuff indeed, even featuring bike changes for flat and inclined roads. But, I guess it could be expected since they are in the mountains, near Switzerland, in the Haute Savoie Department. This region is home to hearty dishes which typically feature cheese, and today’s stage specific offering follows suit. Polenta Savoyarde, I imagine, is Europe’s answer to American-style cornbread. At least, that’s what I thought as I heaped out a delicious golden square onto my daughter’s plate at dinner time.

Polenta Savoyarde

  • 1 cup polenta

  • 2 cups milk

  • 1 cup water

  • 1 cup chicken stock

  • Onion

  • 1 cup of grated Gruyere + more, sliced for topping

Bring the liquid ingredients to a boil, then reduce the heat to medium.

Whisk in the polenta and bring back to a simmer. Cover, reduce the heat to low and whisk every 10 minutes to ensure proper texture. After 20 minutes, and a whisking, remove the lid and continue to cook another 10 minutes, until the polenta has tightened up.

Meanwhile, peel and halve the onion, through the root end, and slice thinly. Caramelize the onions in some olive oil over medium-low heat and reserve.

Once the polenta is ready, season with salt and pepper and stir in the grated cheese. Butter a small baking dish and pour in the polenta.

Top with the onions and some sliced cheese and place under the broiler until the cheese melts and browns.

______________________________ Copyright 2023, Brendan McCann, All Rights Reserved.


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