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  • Writer's pictureMangia McCann

Christmas in Venezuela: Chocolate Marquesa

This being the month of Christmas, a holiday celebrated among 160 of the 195 countries that make up this planet, I’ve decided to do a monthly installment of how various countries around the world celebrate this special holiday in their kitchens and feature their signature holiday meals. Some may be sides, some may be mains, maybe a dessert or two, some may be a complete dinner. Only time will tell by which country my girls have randomly pulled out of Santa’s hat.

Happy New Year! I hope your holiday season was as good as mine. Last Friday, I wrapped up work and actually had completed EVERYTHING I wanted to accomplish. It was also a successful year for my department. I’ve not quite experienced that level of accomplishment-related euphoria in quite some time. I received a promotion in the summer and had pretty much felt under-water ever since. Pair that with the holidays, parties, family gatherings, and birthday celebrations, I woke up with a smile on my face yesterday. That definitely doesn’t happen often. So, 2023 is looking up!

Speaking of birthdays, I rolled out today’s dish for my daughter’s birthday celebration on New Year’s Eve. It was so good, I served up the remainder when we had family over for a larger celebration on New Year’s Day…much to the chagrin of my daughters. This cake is really tasty and easy to make as it involves two ingredients, a luxurious chocolate buttercream and Maria cookies. If you’re unfamiliar with the latter, as I was, these are round cookies which taste like animal crackers! But they take on a different flavor when layered with the buttercream and you can easily find them in the Latin section of your grocery store.

Chocolate Marquesa

adapted from Mommy’s Home Cooking, Oriana Romero

  • 4 sticks of butter, at room temperature

  • ¼ tsp salt

  • 1.5 cups sweetened, condensed milk

  • 1.5 cups confectioners’ sugar

  • ¾ cup unsweetened cocoa powder

  • ½ cup milk, divided

  • ½ tsp vanilla extract

  • 7 oz sleeve of Maria Cookies

  • ½ cup dark chocolate chips

Combine the butter and salt in the bowl of a stand mixer, fitted with the paddle attachment, and beat on medium-high speed for 10 minutes while you measure out your remaining ingredients. You may want to scrape down the paddle and sides of the bowl occasionally.

Reduce the speed to medium-low and add in the condensed milk and continue to beat for another 2 minutes.

Turn off the motor and add in the sugar. Then stir on slow speed until the sugar is incorporated. Increase the speed to medium-low and mix for 2 minutes.

Turn off the motor and add in the cacao powder. Then stir on slow speed until the chocolate is incorporated. Increase the speed to medium-low and mix for 2 minutes.

Add in 2 tablespoons of the milk, along with the vanilla and beat until incorporated. Pour the remaining milk into a separate bowl and reserve.

Spray a little nonstick spray in a 9-inch nonstick springform pan. Spread about ⅓ cup of the buttercream on the bottom. Then, quickly dip two cookies into the milk. Flip and repeat, allowing the excess milk to drip back into the bowl. Place the cookies down flat along the perimeter of the cake pan. You’ll get 11 in a layer, by breaking up 1 or two cookies to fit, like so.

Repeat the layers with the remaining buttercream and cookies. Wrap the cake in plastic wrap and place in the refrigerator for at least 8 hours or overnight.

Remove from the refrigerator and allow to come to room temperature for 10 minutes.

Meanwhile, melt the chocolate in a double boiler. Then, using a whisk, drizzle the chocolate in a zig-zag pattern over the cake.

Slice and serve. Goes great with a cold glass of milk!


Copyright 2023, Brendan McCann, All Rights Reserved.


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